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news about contemporary jewellery artists



contemporary art jewellery news in 2015
Rie Steen, De slakkenslijm sjaal, copper, latex, elastic, silk,  photo: Roger Brawn

20.11.2015 · JEWELMANIA

Five years of contemporary jewellery design in Brussels. An exhibition organised by RHoK Academy in collaboration with the Vlaamse Gemeenschapscomissie (VGC). Françoise Vanderauwera, a former student at the RHoK...

TWEEX 3 exhibition, photo: Nicolas van Haaren

14.03.2015 · TWEEX 3

In a co-production with La Vénerie, Françoise Vanderauwera and Bernard François present a third overview of master-student knowledge transfer in our colleges and art academies on the subject of “designer jewellery”...

contemporary art jewellery news in 2014
Rencontre exhibition: vander A Contemporary Art Jewellery in collaboration with Louise DS Galerie (Brussels)

21.09.2014 · Images and jewellery object

Françoise Vanderauwera in collaboration with Sylvie Derumier during an exhibition named 'Rencontre’ at Louise DS Galerie in Brussels. The act of bringing contemporary jewellery duo creators Nelly Van Oost and...

contemporary art jewellery news in 2013
Outside the walls exhibitions from now on

11.12.2013 · Outside the walls exhibitions from now on

Through your cooperation with us, ten great individual or group exhibitions have been held, accompanied by photos, a video art, a catalogue, a gesture or an artistic performance (dance)...

Karen Wuytens, Girl with a pearl XXL, 2012, polyamide, SLS-printed, photo: Karen Wuytens/kuppers&wuytens

07.09.2013 · TWEEX 2

Three Belgian schools will illustrate how "designer jewellery" skills are handed on, by exhibiting two significant works by each artist (six artists per school). The MAD- Faculty of Hasselt is enlightening, surprising and modern. The "Institut de la Parure...

Saskia Van der Gucht, What if all the boxes in the world were jewellery boxes, 2012

17.03.2013 · TWEEX 1

Overview of knowledge transfer around "designer jewellery" in partnership with the non-profit workshop "Néon Atelier", run by Bernard François. Participation of La Cambre (Brussels), IATA (Namur), St. Lucas University College of Art & Design (Antwerp), Félix Roulin...

contemporary art jewellery news in 2012
Clarisse Bruynbroeck, Tired, 2012

19.12.2012 · Master student work of Clarisse Bruynbroeck

Discover the excellent master student work of Clarisse Bruynbroeck, a young Belgian artist dealing with the sensitive subject of anorexia which directly refers to the body...

Photo © Mirei Takeuchi

08.10.2012 · transplanted for granted

This new presentation is a aroup exhibition where lightness and strong contemporary art jewellery works come together. Three artists from the Academy of Fine Arts Munich: Melanie Isverding, Despo Sophocleous, Nicole Beck...

Anja Eichler

23.07.2012 · Anja Eichler

Early in September, the vander A Gallery will showcase contemporary art jewellery from Anja Eichler, a German artist who lives and works in Shanghai. "Urbanauts", the title of this exhibition, comes from...

1x1 Collective

20.04.2012 · 1X1 Collective

1x1 Collective is a project born to promote and diffuse contemporary art jewelry through exhibitions, fairs, and events. It starts in Florence from an idea by Margherita de Martino Norante and Eugenia Ingegno as an open and ever-changing...

Delphine Joly, Ko, brooch, 2009

17.02.2012 · Delphine Joly
Jewels stories

The narrative jewellery presented by the visual artist Delphine Joly during her first solo exhibition at the vander A gallery from 19 April to 19 May 2012 is greatly surprising. Her jewellery academic courses at the "Institut des Arts...

Memento Mori I, duo exhibition: Natahlie Perret and Constanze Schreiber

20.01.2012 · memento mori

vander A , the brand new contemporary art jewellery gallery in Brussels showcases the artworks of Nathalie Perret (France) and Constanze Schreiber (Deutschland) on "memento mori" from March 1st to March 31st 2012. The work of Nathalie Perret is...