Melanie Isverding
Looking to her work we may notice steel identical structures but once well articulated artistically they all carry new meanings for the viewers, as does the playfulness to the all-around approach and presentation of her group exhibition, allowing the space for one's imagination to take over.
Melanie Isverding not only considers the outer skin of her works, she builds structures that are meant to hold something; creating interior spaces filled with sandy surfaces ranging from chalky to shimmery.
This German artist worked first as a jeweller in Vreden (DE) for four years, where she did also her appenticeship and then in 2002 started technical
design studies in Hanau (DE) followed by jewellery master studies in the Department of Prof. Otto Künzli in Munich. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich (De) in 2012.
She has obtained two first prizes: in 2005 - Oberbayrischer Förderpreis für Nachwuchskünstler - Schmuck und Gerät | Munich (DE) and more recently in 2011 - Oberbayerischer Förderpreis für Angewandte Kunst | Munich (DE).
Past exhibition
transplanted for granted
from 22.11.2012 to 22.12.2012.
Group exhibition
Melanie Isverding
Nicole Beck
Despo Sophocleous