Delphine Joly
Delphine Joly has first worked as fashion designer before starting jewellery. As from 2007 she is studying at the "Institut des Arts et Métiers" in Brussels. Her work is rapidly showed: 2009, three years retrospective visual work of art, "l’Union fait la forme", Palais des Beaux Arts, Brussels; 2010, auction at Pierre Bergé & Associés, Brussels; 2011, Group exhibition "Bijou Sauvage" at Design Vlaanderen, Brussels; 2012, European Triennial for Contemporary Jewellery in Mons, Belgium.
The narrative jewellery for her first solo exhibition is greatly surprising.
Strengthened by mixing genres (fashion, design, jewellery), sources (theatre, circus, childhood) and styles (personification, sarcastic laugh), such narrative discontinuity excludes any circumscribed definition for this diversified work.
It is rather through the redundancy of the materials and objects that can be found out, over the course of the wearable stories, her vocabulary and coded messages that personify her original artwork fantastically.
Glacial fluid suspended on a warm and theatrical rope, masks, pigs snouts, and pieces of dolls are her disguised heroes. Smiling grimace, dislocated glasses, Delphine Joly's pieces – all wearable – open the mouth or the eyes in order to be better told. Is it so difficult to be heard today? Also trifling with theatrical artefacts, Régis Masson, her companion and scenographer, gives them the floor skilfully.
In her creative and often quite long process, Delphine Joly is not concerned about smoothing her artistic style. Even if it is laborious, all stories must lead to a conclusion. The object is like a book, Delphine Joly says. Assisted by her imaginary and unconscious, the leather, silver, messing and copper are used today to help her writing. Tomorrow, there will be other stories, materials, and jewels.
Past exhibitions
Delphine Joly
"Jewels stories"
19.04.2012 - 19.05.2012
European Triennial
for Contemporary Jewellery
25.10.2014 - 28.12.2014