Past exhibition
European Triennial for Contemporary Jewellery
Nelli Tanner (Finland), Empty III (award of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels), necklace, 2012, photo: Kimmo Heikkilä

On behalf of Anne Leclercq, Director WCC-BF, Françoise Vanderauwera is curator of the European Triennial for Contemporary Jewellery Belgian artist’s selection.
For its fifth edition, the European Triennial for Contemporary Jewellery invites artists from Italy and Finland to dialog with the Belgian artists. Forty-four artists, masters or young talents, will gather in the Great Hall of the Old Slaughterhouse of Mons for one of the major events of contemporary jewellery in Europe. One day lectures was hold in parallel: "Jewellery Object: for your eyes only?".
The exhibition takes place at WCC-BF, Grande Halle des anciens abattoirs de Mons
17/02, rue de la Trouille
(angle place de la Grande Pêcherie)
7000 Mons
Tel +32 (0)65 84 64 67
entry: 4€ - 2€ (seniors, students,
groups > 10 people, WCC members)
free on the 1st Sunday of the month
guided visit on appointment
25.10.2014 - 28.12.2014
from 12:00 to 18:00 (17:00 on 24.12.2014)
closed on Monday and on 25.12.2014
Scenography: Evelyne Gilmont